Filemaker pro 12
Filemaker pro 12

If you are looking to install a newer old version of FileMaker (i.e. Sometimes you have an old system that was built in FileMaker 5 and needs to run on an operating system that isn’t compatible with newer versions of FileMaker.

filemaker pro 12

But there are times when you might need your hands one of those older versions of FileMaker.

filemaker pro 12

That’s why it is always our suggestion to upgrade to the newest version of FileMaker and experience the newest features. In fact, we wrote an entire blog about why you should upgrade your FileMaker System. There are lots of awesome reasons to make sure to keep your software updated including security, stability, and richer feature sets. Want to know more - Check out our History of FileMaker infographic.

filemaker pro 12

However, FileMaker has switched to an annual release schedule which does in fact cause us to have new versions a bit faster than we ever have in the past. To some of you it probably seems like FileMaker is releasing a new version of their platform bi-monthly, but it’s not quite that often.

Filemaker pro 12